Land Development Code Amendments
Land Development Code Amendments
The Land Development Code (LDC) governs land use regulations in our city, dictating what can be built, where it can be built, and how much can be built. It has undergone numerous amendments since its adoption in the mid-1980s, responding to changing policy goals.
Only the Planning Commission and City Council may initiate amendments to the LDC. The topic of a code amendment can include any content that the LDC comprises: zoning, subdivision, site plans, environment, water quality, and more. The focus may be geographically limited to a corridor, an activity center, or a more extensive area, but most code amendments have applicability to the entire city of Austin.
Through the code amendment process, public hearings will be held at the Planning Commission and City Council. Public hearings are one of the ways that residents can participate and comment on changes to the City’s land development code. Each amendment is required to be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council prior to adoption but may also be presented to other boards and commissions depending on the subject matter of the amendment. To register to participate in a City Council meeting follow the procedures outlined in the Public Participation webpage. To register for the Planning Commission follow the registration link available on the agenda for the desired meeting date. Planning Commission agendas are available starting at 10:30 am the Friday prior to the meeting date and can be found on the Commission's webpage.
Schedule of Active Code Amendments
The following chart outlines the recommended timeline for the drafting and adoption of active Land Development Code (LDC) amendments by city staff. Please note that the Schedule of Active Code Amendments chart will be updated periodically. Click on the chart below to download a .pdf version of the schedule. Please follow this link to access a table encompassing descriptions and lead departments for all ongoing amendments.
Comprehensive Analysis of Density Bonus Programs
Learn more about recommended updates to the City's density bonus programs.
Protest Rights
This page provides information on your right to protest changes to zoning regulations and instructions for filing a written protest, also known as a petition.
Active Amendments
C20-2022-025 Colorado River Protections
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to consider an ordinance regarding amendments related to adequate protections to the Colorado River downstream of the Longhorn Dam.
C20-2024-024 Area Plan Process Amendment
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to specify an amendment process for area plans, including station area vision plans, when the process is not already defined in another section of City code.
C20-2024-016 Preservation Bonus Update Phase 1
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to allow two new housing units to reach 0.65 FAR if the third housing unit on the site is an existing preserved housing unit, and with no new individual...
C20-2024-010 University Neighborhood Overlay (UNO) Update
AboutAmendments to City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to modify the University Neighborhood Overlay (UNO), including height allowances, uses, affordability requirements, district boundaries, parking...
C20-2024-017 PDA2 and C20-2024-022 Density Bonus for Commercial Highway and Industrial Zones (DB240)
This update to Title 25 (Land Development) will contain two separate amendments, described respectively below:Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to create a new combining district, to be known...
C20-2022-003 South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program
Amendment to City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to create a new zoning district and modify related site development regulations and compatibility standards; and create a new zoning district for density...
Adopted Amendments
C20-2023-045 Site Plan Lite Phase 2 & Infill Plats
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development Code) related to development regulations applicable to residential re-subdivisions and multi-family residential site development of five to sixteen units.
C20-2024-014 STR Modifications
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to align short-term rental regulations with recent court decisions and regulate STR platforms, owners, and operators.
C20-2024-021 Safety Bollards
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development Code) to require the installation of crash-rated bollards or other similar safety barriers to prevent vehicle-into-building crashes at the pedestrian entrances...
C20-2023-026: Live Music and Creative Space Bonus Phase 2
Amend Title 25 of the City Code to create a new Creative District combining district with provisions for creative space and music venue preservation, modified site requirements, and density bonuses for...
C20-2024-011 DB90 Revisions
Amend City Code Section 25-2-652 to revise regulations applicable to the density bonus 90 (DB90) combining district.
C20-2024-009 Compatibility Buffer Revisions
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to revise compatibility buffer requirements.
Transit Supportive Code Amendments (Including HOME Phase 2 Amendments)
The Austin City Council has adopted several changes to the land development code with the goal of making our city more walkable, transit-supportive, and environmentally friendly for all residents. Equitable...
Changes to Residential Uses and Standards (Including HOME Amendments)
Changes to Residential Uses and Standards (Including HOME Amendments Phase 1) was adopted by City Council on Dec. 7, 2023. Click here to view the adopted ordinance.
C20-2024-001 Onsite Water Reuse
Amend City Code Chapter 25-9 (Water and Wastewater) relating to clarifying requirements for water conservation in the implementation of the Water Forward Plan, including distances for the Reclaimed...
C20-2023-044 Density Bonus 90 Zoning District
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to create a new zoning district for a density bonus program that grants 30 feet in height above the base zone, to a maximum of 90 feet, and modifies compatibility...
C20-2023-043 Downtown Parking Modifications Phase 1
Amend City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to establish a maximum off-street motor vehicle parking limit for properties zoned Central Business District (CBD) and Downtown Mixed-Use (DMU) and an administrative...
C20-2023-039 Modify Minimum Bicycle Parking Requirements
Amend Title 25 to modify minimum bicycle parking requirements to be consistent with the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) mode split goals, per the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) Recommendation...
C20-2023-035 HOME Phase 2
The City of Austin is proposing changes to the Land Development Code to reduce minimum lot size for single-unit developments in single-family zoning. This webpage explains what HOME is and describes the...
C20-2023-030 Airole Way Site Specific SOS Amendment
Site specific amendments to City Code Chapter 25-8, Subchapter A, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), as minimally required to allow for proposed development of the lots located at 1905 and 1908...
C20-2023-029 Eliminate Station Area Amendment Filing Deadlines
Amendment to City Code Title 25 that would allow amendments to Station Area Plans at any time.
C20-2023-027 Parkland Dedication Repeal and Replace
Amendment to Title 25 to repeal and replace Article 14 - Parkland Dedication as required by HB 1526.
C20-2023-022 Barton Springs Bathhouse Site Specific SOS
Amendment to Land Development Code (LDC) 25-8 Article 13 Save Our Springs Initiative and related variances to Chapter 25-8 Subchapters A (Water Quality) of the Land Development Code as necessary to...
C20-2023-021 Electric Vehicle Charging
The City of Austin is proposing changes to the Land Development Code to add a use that allows properties to install electric vehicle charging stations. This means more places to charge your EV conveniently...
C20-2023-020 Zoning Application Processes and Deadlines
Amendments to City Code Title 25-1 and 25-2 (Land Development Code) to create a six-month pilot program modifying certain deadlines related to zoning and rezoning applications and neighborhood plan amendment...
C20-2023-015 Eliminate NPA Filing Deadlines
Amendment to Article 16 of the Land Development Code (LDC): Neighborhood Plan Amendment (NPA) ordinance to remove the February and July open filing period and also remove ancillary sections referring to...
C20-2023-019 Citywide Compatibility
The City of Austin is considering changes to compatibility, a zoning regulation that limits the height of buildings near single-family homes. This webpage explains what compatibility is and describes...
C20-2023-013 Butler Trail Amendments
Amendments to City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to allow the Butler Trail to remain within the setbacks applicable to Lady Bird Lake; and to allow capital improvements made to the Butler Trail to comply...
C20-2023-010 Eliminate Minimum Parking Requirements
Amend Title 25 to eliminate minimum off-street motor vehicle parking requirements.
C20-2023-009 Little Bear Aquifer Recharge Enhancement Site Specific SOS
Site-specific amendments to Title 25, including Chapter 25-8, Subchapter A, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), as necessary to allow for completion of the Little Bear Aquifer Recharge Enhancement...
C20-2023-004 Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) Overlay Phase 1
The City of Austin is proposing changes to the Land Development Code to create regulations that would apply to non-single-family properties that are located generally within 1/2 mile of...
C20-2023-001 Childcare Services
Amendments to Title 25 pertaining to childcare and day care services to modify land use definitions, create use-specific development regulations, ensure compatibility with adjacent uses, and adjust zoning...
C20-2022-022 Live Music Venue and Creative Space (Definitions)
Amendment to City Code Title 25 (Land Development Code) to modify land use definitions related to theater and personal improvement services, modify regulations applicable to home occupations, and add performance...
C20-2022-017 Tenant Notification and Relocation
Amendment to Title 25 updating tenant notification and relocation requirements that apply when a property is redeveloped.
C20-2022-012 North Burnet/Gateway Regulating Plan Amendments
Amend Title 25 to modify the North Burnet/Gateway Regulating Plan to implement the recommendations initiated through Resolution No. 20230504-020.
C20-2022-009 Sixth Street Height Exception
Amendments to Section 25-2-643 to allow a structure located on East Sixth Street and east of Neches Street and west of Sabine to have a maximum building height of 140 feet or that allowable under the Capitol...
C20-2022-004A Compatibility on Corridors Correction
City Council adopted the Corridor Overlay by Ordinance # 20221201-056 on December 1, 2022. The Corridor Overlay relaxes compatibility and parking standards for certain corridor properties. The code amendment...
C20-2022-004 Compatibility on Corridors
City Council adopted the Corridor Overlay on December 1, 2022, that relaxes compatibility and parking standards for certain corridor properties.Click here to review a copy of the executed Corridor...
C20-2022-02A Site Plan Lite Part 1
Amendment to Title 25 to establish that development of three or four residential units on a site will be permitted in the same manner as the City reviews one or two residential units, through the residential...
C20-2021-012 Residential in Commercial
Amendment adopted on December 1, 2022, that creates an affordable housing bonus program that allows residential development on commercially-zoned properties. More information about the amendment can be...
C20-2021-001 UNO Sign Correction
Amendment to Title 25 to correct an error in UNO sign code that prohibits all illuminated signs.