
City staff has been working to develop Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) station area vision plans for the North Lamar and South Congress Transit Center station areas. These proposed plans will include parcel-specific future land use maps that generally describe the kind of development that is desired going forward. The proposed code amendment would specify a process to amend geographically focused land use plans, such as station area vision plans, where there is no defined amendment process. The changes will:  

  • Help transition to new plan types 

  • Clarify amendment process and criteria

  • Provide a path for property owners to initiate changes

  • Ensure adequate public notice

  • Ensure consistent processes

Please visit the North Lamar and South Congress Station Areas SpeakUp page to learn more about ETOD station area planning efforts.  

Summary of Proposed Code Amendment

The proposed code amendment would add a new section to 25-1 of the Land Development Code that: 

  • Specifies the amendment process for geographically focused land use plans that do not already have a process defined

  • Provides cross-references to existing plan amendment processes. (Existing processes would not be amended)

The proposed process is generally based on the existing provisions of Chapter 25-1, Article 16 Neighborhood Plan Amendments. 

See the attached staff report for a more detailed summary of the proposal. 

Staff Contact

Stevie Greathouse,, (512) 974-7220

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Planning Commission

Scheduled for March 25, 2025

City Council

Scheduled for April 24, 2025