WELCOME to the engagement hub for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) planning at the North Lamar Transit Center and the South Congress Transit Center station areas! We invite you to review the information on this page about the planning process, community engagement, and the draft plans. Please help us to finalize the plans by submitting comments in the comments tab.

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Sign Up to receive project updates about the North Lamar and South Congress Transit Center Station Area Vision Plans!

Planning for Station Areas 

Station area planning is a community-driven approach to crafting a vision for the area surrounding a transit station. Station Area Vision Plans establish a framework for the future development of the 1/2 mile-radius areas surrounding the transit stations and the interface with the transit stations themselves.  

To support implemention of the Project Connect transit system, the City and CapMetro have partnered to develop station area vision plans that support equitable transit-oriented development in the vicinity of Project Connect stations. The first set of station areas identified for future planning – North Lamar Transit Center and South Congress Transit Center – were identified because these areas are existing transit hubs that will benefit from station area planning and can serve as protoypes for equitable station area planning in other similar locations. By coordinating with existing planning efforts already underway and funded, the City can quickly begin applying the objectives outlined in ETOD Policy Toolkit in these areas.

Station Area Engagement Process 

The station area planning engagement process kicked off with a series of workshops involving community members near the North Lamar and South Congress Transit Centers in the spring of 2023. A second round of engagement took place in the fall of 2023. 

The initial draft plans based on this engagement are available for your review in the Documents section of this page, to the right. The plans will undergo further updates and finalization following this third round of engagement in the fall of 2024. Staff will continue to find opportunities to share station area information with the community at future engagement events. Click the following links to read the summaries of Round 1 and Round 2 of engagement for the station area vision plans. 

Please refer to the project timeline on the right for updates to engagement and public hearing dates. For more information on how to participate, please see the How to Participate tab. We want to hear from you!

We appreciate your participation in the three open house events held on November 13 , 14 , and 16, where we shared the with the community. If you were unable to attend these events, we encourage you to download the draft plans and share your thoughts during this comment period, which will help us refine the plans before we finalize them in early 2025. 

For your convenience, we have included the presentation and recording of the joint virtual meeting linked below:


Here is the link to the Spanish audio version. 

Here is the link to the English audio version. 

Visioning for North Lamar and South Congress Transit Center Area Vision Plans

Spring 2023 -  Fall 2023

Community input received during this time was used to develop a draft vision and outline for the plan. 


Open House for North Lamar Transit Center Draft Vision Plan

In-Person Open House 
Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 6 PM-8 PM
T.A. Brown Elementary School, 7801 Guadalupe Street

Virtual Open House 
Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 11AM

Open House for South Congress Transit Center Draft Vision Plan

In-Person Open House 
Thursday, November 14, 2024, 6 PM-8 PM
Galindo Elementary School, 3800 South 2nd Street

Virtual Open House 
Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 11AM 



Draft Review for North Lamar and South Congress Transit Center Area Vision Plans

Fall 2024

Staff will develop the station area vision plans and they will be available for public review and comments Fall 2024. 


Virtual Community Meeting Neighborhood Plan Amendments related to the NLTC Station Area

Virtual Community Meeting  
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 6PM

  • To participate in the meeting on the web through Microsoft Teams, click here here.
  • To participate in the meeting on the phone (audio only) call: +1 512-831-7858, United States, Austin
    Phone conference ID: 410 666 441#

Virtual Community Meeting Neighborhood Plan Amendments related to the SCTC Station Area

Virtual Community Meeting  
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 6PM

  • To participate in the meeting on the web through Microsoft Teams, click here.
  • To participate in the meeting on the phone (audio only) call: +1 512-831-7858, United States, Austin
    Phone conference ID: 522 466 893#