While the  public comment period and survey are now closed, you can still let staff, the Planning Commission, and City Council know what's on your mind by emailing  LDCupdates@AustinTexas.gov.


Adopted by City Council in June 2016, the South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan provides a roadmap for new development in the district that can create a place all of Austin can treasure. Developed through substantial community participation, the Vision Framework Plan envisions a district that uses both public and private investments to generate affordable housing, parkland, open space, and other community benefits and public attractions.


In September 2022, with Resolution No. 20220915-090the Austin City Council directed City staff to develop a plan to implement the intent of the 2016 South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan.

The proposed Combining District and Density Bonus Program will help make our shared vision a reality. These regulations offer an alternative to the area's current zoning and can help achieve the community benefits identified in the Vision Framework:

  • Affordable housing,
  • Infrastructure improvements (like streets, parks, bike lanes, access to transit, etc.), and
  • Enhanced environmental protections.

They will ensure a consistent approach while also being flexible enough to enable variety in scope and appearance throughout the full 118 acres of the district. These proposed regulations allow us to build bigger buildings than are otherwise allowed in exchange for contributions to the community benefits that are the heart of the Vision Framework.

Cover image of the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program, with the title, the City seal, and three illustrations of urban settings that feature plenty of grass, trees, water, tall buildings, and people milling aboutAfter a monthlong public comment period, the Planning team has revised the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program, incorporating some suggestions and revisions offered by City staff, City Boards and Commissions, and members of the public. To review the changes we've made, our staff's report to City Council, and the comments we received during that period, please see:

The result will be a new, vibrant neighborhood that's a destination for community members who'll come for its public spaces, access to Lady Bird Lake, and proximity to transportation options including the coming Project Connect light rail service and Austin's beloved Hike & Bike Trail.


We've created a tool that lets you to see how the Density Bonus Program might work in the real world. The Microsoft Excel-based tool lets you enter in the details of a hypothetical property, including square footage, type of land use (office, residential, hotel, etc.), and other information, and then it calculates what you'd be required to contribute as community benefits.

Click the link above or the image below to access the tool.

Updated draft sample of results from calculator tool, with two blocks of calculations, Project Inputs on the left (Site characteristics & Desired building characteristics) and Results - Community Benefit Requirements for Desired Density on the left (Housing fee, Parks fee, Infrastructure fee)





Timeline of Public Meetings

Austin City Council Meeting

Thursday, September 26 (Postponed)

Date to be Determined

Austin City Hall in City Council Chambers

City Council Webpage

South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting

Monday, August 19 (Postponed)

Date to be Determined

Permitting and Development Center

6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, 78752

South Central Waterfront Advisory Board meetings webpage

Planning Commission Meeting

Tuesday, April 9, 6 p.m.

Austin City Hall in City Council Chambers

Planning Commission Meetings Webpage

South Central Waterfront Online Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 10 a.m.-noon on Zoom

South Central Waterfront In-person Meeting

Monday, March 18 at the Austin Central Library

South Central Waterfront Online Meeting

Wednesday, February 28, 6-8 p.m. on Zoom