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1. After viewing the schematic design of the building spaces, what is your immediate reaction?

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2. How do you see yourself using the space as shown in the video?

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3. What aspects of the design are you most excited about?

Responses could include:

- how you feel about being in the new spaces

- materials used, shape and look of the building

- how you see Phase 2 connecting to current space

- how you feel about the design and feel of the new building

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4. What 2 or 3 spaces are you most excited about? (Number reflects anticipated occupancy)

In the comments below, please share why you are excited about the space(s).

Theater (350)
Multipurpose room (62)
Art gallery (31)
Upper lobby near balcony and multipurpose room (208)
Garden patio
Lower lobby near entry to theater seats (149)
Additional parking (40 new spaces, 129 total)
Closed to responses | 19 Responses

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5. Do you see any potential challenges using the new spaces?

If yes, please explain in comments what challenges you anticipate.

Closed to responses | 14 Responses

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6. With the expanded AARC, what events will you host at the AARC? How many people do you anticipate attending?

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7. The AARC and the Asian American Quality of Life Commission AARC Working Group developed Phase 2 community engagement goals. Please review the goals below and identify how well the project team achieved the goals through the Phase 2 process.

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