Lake Travis aerial shot showing low lake levels


Updating the Drought Contingency Plan:

Austin Water is currently working to update our Drought Contingency Plan, which is due to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) by May 1, 2024.

While the TCEQ determines the required parts of the plan, local utilities specify what the drought stages are and the actions taken in each stage to reduce water use. These decisions are based on unique aspects of each region and community, such as the source of the drinking water, water demand, and the utility’s system capacity.

Under the current plan, the City of Austin moved to Stage 2 restrictions on August 15, when the water storage levels of the Highland Lakes, the source of our drinking water, dropped to 900,000 acre-feet[1] of water (45% of total). Stage 3 restrictions will be triggered if water storage levels drop to 600,000 acre-feet (30% of total). Stage 4 restrictions occur under even more severe drought restrictions or in the event of an emergency.


[1] One acre-foot of is the volume of water that is an acre in area, one foot deep, or 325,851 gallons.

November 2023

Public input on proposed changes collected

December 2023

Host virtual public input meeting:

Austin Water is currently working to update our Drought Contingency Plan for submission to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality by May 1, 2024. During this virtual meeting with Austin Water Conservation Division staff, we will discuss the current Drought Contingency Plan, as well as potential adjustments and additions to the drought stages and restrictions. Staff will also answer any questions you might have about the plan.

Register here:

January 2024

Draft Drought Contingency Plan submitted for legal review

February and March 2024

Draft Drought Contingency Plan presented to Boards and Commissions for feedback

April 2024

Draft Drought Contingency Plan presented to Austin City Council for approval

May 2024

Updated Drought Contingency Plan submitted to TCEQ for approval

June 2024

Drought Contingency Plan goes into effect

Who is listening?

Eric Reynolds - Code Review Analyst

Kevin Kluge - Water Conservation Division Manager